
Showing posts from January, 2020

Week 3: Theories to Help You Understand Your Relationship Better

Do you know that one person who goes to their Mom for everything? Okay, I'm definitely guilty of this ✋ I tell her almost everything. She's my go to person. Although I love to tell her everything, I've learned that when it comes to my marriage, there are some things I just need to keep to myself. There are many reasons why turning to your parents for advice is a GOOD thing, but when it comes to your relationships, there is a fine line between explaining  about your relationship and complaining about your relationship.  To explain, I'll share a few theories to help you understand relationships better.  The first is the  Family Systems Theory. Each family is made up of a system. In this system, the circle represents the boundary of the relationships, the husband and wife and the children which create their family.  Keeping the boundary between husband and wife is critical to a healthy relationship. For example, say that the wife turns to her

Week 2: Family Trends...

Last semester I FINALLY decided what I wanted to study and I changed my major to Marriage and Family studies. I honestly don’t know what I would do without my family. Because of things that I have experienced and the things that my family have experienced, advocating families is near and dear to my heart. I know the value of having a family and the importance of fighting for your marriage. It's only week 2 of classes this semester and I've already learned SO MUCH. This blog is dedicated specifically to my family relations class and all that I am learning. This week we learned specifically about family trends throughout the years.  To name a few that we learned about: The Baby Boom The more wealth, the less amount of children in a family An increase of women in the workforce  The women's revolution The introduction of birth control in 1962 The sexual revolution An increase in cohabitation Divorce revolution Living alone Age of moms

Other Blogs You May Be Interested In

Here are a few of my classmates blogs all about what they are learning in our Family Relations class. It's fun to see all the different perspectives we have and all the different things we've been learning!  (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external site.) ht
Hi! My name is Maddie Perrin. I am a full-time student, a wife, and an advocate for marriage and families. My husband and I attend school at Brigham Young University Idaho. I am currently studying Marriage and Family with hopes to one day be able to help families going through difficulties, especially divorces and adoptions. I created this blog as a place to remember all I am learning from my Family Relations class I am taking. Stay tuned!